What is on the bench today?
This week in the Diploma we are setting Cabochons. The challenge is to make either a ring or pendant. It has been extremely challenging getting the frame around the stone.
This was my first attempt. It still needs some work
First attempt with copper base and silver bezel
Final attempt silver on silver
After trying this, I decided to go to the size required for the cabochon a mere 6mm!! I tried first with the bezel wire and with a copper base (wasn’t prepared to practice on silver :) ) Then I thought as I had nearly got it right, it was time to ‘go for it’. So I re-measured the cabochon and re-did the bezel wire. It was perfect, so then gave the silver a bit of a hammer to texture it and soldered the bezel on. I still need to file and finish the silver, but progress is being made. I daren’t put the cabochon in, as I might (more than likely) not get it out again!!!
So now need to get polishing the silver version and get it ready for the cabochon to be inserted. Thing is, do I make it into a ring or a pendant?